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Event In Uni a success!

(cracking knuckles and strecthing fingers) Well, here goes..

Baru-baru nie aku nyer uni society ada la adakan this event called 'English Language Week'. Ahaks, jangan cuak coz of the title, bunyi cam 'English Week' time skolah menengah dulu kan? Pepun, we have to have a big event utk penutup. The crazy thing is, the idea was mine n I'm also the organizer.

Kayla gak the event, peserta pon ramai gak, bolehla tanggung deficit duit society taun lepas. The catch is, diorang nie kena beat my high score. Yang kantoinya, none of em can beat it, Haha. Terpaksalah pilih pemenang yang paling dekat dengan my high score. Bengang gak biler kena mara ngan Ketua society "Shima, turunkan la sket ur 'level', kesian bebudak tu'. Haduu, parah... But I'm proud that the event went Fantastico..kehkeh..


Kalau mcm ni, jadi peserta mesti boleh dpt juara. hehe

August 28, 2008 at 1:42 AM  

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